Why 7c’s are important in our writing

7cs of Communication

Writing is an excellent and most convenient form of communication. While we talk about writing and communication simultaneously, seven 7Cs come into play. The seven Cs of writing are fundamental principles of communication through written words. These principles allow you to relay your information more efficiently to the audience and readers.

Seven 7Cs of writing give the writer margin and space to offer various guidelines and how an individual can effectively communicate with the reader about the agenda of the article or any research paper.

The set of seven Cs includes completeness, conciseness, consideration, concreteness, clarity, courtesy, and correctness. This blog will discuss the details and usage of the seven C’s. And also sheds some light on why this bunch of seven Cs is essential in our writing. Let’s have a brief look.

Seven C’s of writing:

Seven C’s holds an essential value in academic writing. A writer must embrace clarity and be coherent with completeness and consistency throughout their write-up. An academic writer must learn about the seven C’s and their application in the written paper.

1. Always be clear and write with clarity:

The famous saying goes,” Always be aware and clear of what you are talking about.” The essence of writing is to relay and deliver your information with discrete clarity. The words should directly invade the mind of the reader. The clarity in the written comments can be easily achieved by simplifying and using a straight set of terms and ideas. The writer should never go into a mindless extension of the topic unrelated to the academic paper.

Clarity is an essential part of writing and communication. By being transparent, you can wipe out any hue or fog of assumptions a reader can have. It is also equally important to be precise and aware of your intention while writing. Scientific and technical publications can be more challenging than expected to write. However, there is no need to be mindlessly vague. Always be obscure and precise while writing.

2. Always be coherent and write with the flow:

While writing, it is essential to understand whether your writing is making sense or not. You cannot write an academic paper without logic and supportive arguments. Being coherent means writing without being illogical and without being in the flow. Expressing your ideas, thoughts,and opinions is essential while avoiding unnecessary gaps and contradictions.

You should always notice whether you have included enough headings in your paper and are these headings making sense to the readers. Titles should always flow in a desirable sequence which will appeal to readers. They should be easy to read and understand, and all the headings should occasionally follow each other.

The coherent writing pattern also includes correct grammar, appropriate punctuation, and easy clauses. Your choice of words should be audience-friendly. Always try to use native English and avoid colloquialism.

3. Always be complete and true:

Your write-up should always be complete and accurate to the facts. It is imperative for a writer to never skip any supporting arguments or facts and figures. A statement should be presented in a comprehensive manner that involves all the steps and details of it. All the loose and hanging ends of the beginning argument should be tied up by the end of the paper.

All citations, references, and relevant illustrations to the academic paper should be included. It is essential to cross-check at the end that all the current and relevant information has been written for the reader and no pointer has been skipped.

4. Always be concise and write with precision:

Never use non-required clauses and phrases in your writing. Conciseness means to be precise and limited with your words and phrases. Any additional term or clause should be deleted from the write-up before final submission. You don’t need to use “the reason why this argument has been made” can be changed with “because.” This is how you can write with conciseness.

Avoid filler words, for example, “basically” and “most definitely.” Please do not go overboard with the filler words; spend a lifetime deleting them. Sometimes the surplus amount of deletion also sucks the energy out of you. Try to use an active form of voice and positive expressions.

5. Always try to reflect consistency:

Your writing should be consistent and in flow. If any paragraph of your paper is non-consistent and is going outflow by not making sense, the readers can easily doubt its authenticity. It is also essential to cross-check the facts and figures used in the paper for assurance.

Consistency also includes the number of numeric values, quotations, and hyphens used. The overall weight-age of headings and subheadings is equally essential. Always follow the basic rules of grammar and avoid misspelling words. Try to engage an editor for a better house style and sheet style for your academic paper.

6. Always be correct and well-researched:

Your article or writing paper should be well-researched, accurate, thoroughly checked, and free of errors. Untrue facts never go unnoticed and affect the quality of your paper. It is obligatory for a writer to briefly research the given topic and then start writing on it by keeping the factual information in mind. Well-researched articles reflect the honesty and dedication of the writer towards its targeted audience.

If you use technical or scientific terms, ensure your reader understands them. And if they don’t, try to explain it in simpler terms. Try to engage an editor for proofreading to avoid the mistakes that might have gone unnoticed.

7. Always be credible and authentic:

As a writer, always maintain your reputation and credibility in the author’s community. Your writing can very well augment your overall image as an author. A general advice to all aspiring writers is to write honestly and use credible resources.

If you have picked up a topic that doesn’t come under your niche, do brief research and start writing on it. Never take risks over complex issues and compromise your reputation. Avoid any inaccuracies and discrepancies by getting your write-up checked by a content expert.

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